Today on LinkedIn, there was a great article regarding human resource lessons learned from Hamilton The Musical. Such an interesting read, I wanted to share on our Blog.  There is so much hype surrounding Hamilton the Musical, who knew so much could be related to...

Have you thought about how to build your personal brand on social media when job seeking?  What will recruiters find on your Instagram, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media pages? Not only is it vital to use Social Media to help locate a new...

    Soft skills are very important for everyone to have, especially in the work place. Soft skills are attributes that someone has that enable them to interact in a positive manner with other people. While at work you may be constantly dealing with your co-workers, clients,...

It's Ask the Recruiter Mondays here at Integrated Staffing. Today's topic: acing assessment tests. So you’ve made it through the first round of interviews and your future employer wants to get a handle on your real life capabilities . Whether you're interviewing for accounting ,...

Are you looking for a new job? Were you recently laid off due to COVID? Integrated Staffing knows that looking for a job can be a very daunting task. Sometimes you may need a little bit of help to know what to do. Integrated Staffing...

As the job market heats up and more companies begin to hire, now is the time to brush up an interview preparation skills! From the beginning of the recruitment process to the actual hire, preparation is the key to elevating your position in the hiring pool...

According to a recent article in the Society for Human Resource Management, the US unemployment rate has drooped to 10%. The article below describes in detail how the job market is slowly coming back amid Corona virus uptick in some US states. US employers added 1.8...

At Integrated Staffing we have learned to practice strategic mindset to crush our goals and succeed professionally and personally.  It seems to be the perfect time with the state of the economy, politics, pandemic, and so much uncertainty in the world, to share this insightful...