A lot of graduating seniors, or students who are still in school, are intimidated by resume writing because they don’t feel they have enough experience. These tips show that you already have everything you need to write a stellar resume. 1. Education at the Top Since your college...

Integrated Staffing will be hosting a Drive-Up Job Fair on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 from 10am to 2pm. We ask that people call prior to the day of the event at 518.583.7823 to schedule an appointment to ensure proper social distancing can be maintained. Our...

Saratoga Springs, NY 3/22/2021. Integrated Staffing welcomes Matt Nazarian as the Talent Acquisition Specialist. Matt’s previous role was at Stewart’s Shops Corporation and as assistant football coach/recruiter for Trinity and Union Colleges.  Matt also worked for Wynn Las Vegas as a slot supervisor and brings...

3 Keys to a Great Phone Screen In a world where we communicate via text, email, DM, and video chat, a telephone call is often the gateway to securing an in-person interview. A pre-screen phone call is a quick touch-base, usually from someone at an employer’s...

Happy St Patrick’s Day!  We love this time of year and feeling lucky as Spring is almost here! Soon, the new season will usher in warmer weather, longer days and new opportunities!  After all, Spring is a season of growth. We can't wait for what's...

Having your resume stand out from other candidates, can be one of the most difficult things of the hiring process. You want to make sure that your resume is actually being read and not just glanced over. You may have heard that you have six...

The irony of job search advice: There’s so much available that you don’t have to spend more than four seconds Googling before you land on some nugget of wisdom or another. Yet, at the same time, there’s so much available (some of which completely contradicts other...

Spring is coming. With that comes warmer weather and warmer weather means ICE CREAM!  According to local food blog, 518-Sites-and-Bites, there are a bunch of seasonal ice cream places that have recently announced opening days!!!! Is anyone else tired of this snow and cold weather and...

Email is one of the most used forms ways of communication, especially now due to COVID. Writing emails to co-workers and potential clients is a way to develop the relationship that you have with each other. You can either create a great first impression or...

  We are excited to celebrate such a great day! Did you know that the International’s Women’s day 2021 theme is to choose to challenge? Highlight and focus on the importance of challenging biases and misconceptions in order for more inclusive and gender-equal nature The official...