A little surprise came with the famous upstate Christmas tree this year!! According to a story in USA today the Owl is doing well today and expected to be released back into the wild this weekend. See the full story below. It wasn’t quite a partridge in...

  At the end of every interview, the interviewer will most likely ask you "What questions do you have for me?". Some times you never know what to say. You should always ask a question when they ask you this to show that you are engaged...

Celebrate #WorldKindnessDay with Integrated Staffing. On November 13th, as part of #WorldKindnessDay, we are encouraged to speak kindness like an infectious laugh.  We want to share it more than usual because studies show when others observe kindness action, they are more like to carry out...

Looking for a few ideas to spruce up your resume? Check out the article below from TopResume.com for some great ideas. Resumes are no different from that closet jammed with last year's lineup. There may be a few hidden surprises, after all, just as dust seems...

National Disability Employment Awareness  (Part III): In today’s workplace, it has never been more important to include everyone, and accessibility is the vehicle to inclusion. It is a responsibility and an opportunity. Integrated Staffing is passionate about helping people with disabilities unlock their full potential...

  Simple things may mean the difference betweeen you getting the job and not getting the job. You may think that your interview went great but then you never hear back from the company. Here are some reasons why candidates fail to get the job.  Resumes....

  No question: parents and teachers play a defining role in shaping a young person’s life. But let’s not forget about the coaches — especially on National Coaches Day October 6. We would like to wish all of the coaches out there a happy national coaches...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!  Here are a few fast facts you should know about Breast Cancer: One in eight women will be impacted by breast cancer in their lifetime. In the United States, it is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women After lung...