Ways Companies Can Give Back During the Holidays

There are many ways your company can give back this holiday season. Are you looking for ideas of what your company could do? Below is a list of ideas that your company can do to give back, some of which Integrated Staffing did to give back to our local community.

  1. Serve a Holiday Meal. A good way to thank all of your employees for all the hard work that they have put in this year is to thank them by providing them with a meal. It’s a good way for everyone to relax and sit down and talk to your employees about something other than work. It may seem small but we are sure that your employees will appreciate it.
  2. Adopt a Family in Need. Integrated Staffing reached out to a local organization that was assisting families in need. We adopted several families and donated various toys, clothes, and gift cards to ensure they had a wonderful holiday. Our office each took a family member to get them items and then as a team we wrapped all of the presents. Below is a picture of just some of the presents that we donated.
  3. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter. Animals in shelters often forgotten about during the holiday season. Contact a local animal shelter to see if they need food, toys, and blankets for the animals.
  4. Provide Goodie Bags to Your Employees’ Children. You employees spend a lot of time away from their family while they’re at work. A small bag of candy and crafts is a good way of saying thank you to your employees by reminding them that they are more than just an employee.
  5. Create a Food Drive. Integrated Staffing collected a lot of nonperishable food to donate to a local charity. All food that we donated will help those in the area feed their loved ones this holiday. Below is a picture of all of the food that we donated to the local Salvation Army.








Integrated Staffing: Staffing Solutions that exceed expectations and build relationships.