The Applicant Experience

This morning a candidate came into our office after relocating to the area. They filled out all the paperwork, had an interview, will be referenced today to start  in less than a week.

Embarking on a new career, new job, or any new endeavor requires leaving your safety net and being uncomfortable. The fact that this candidate walked in and made the effort really stands out. They opened the door, showcased their assets, and made a great first impression.

But we employers know that the market is tight and today’s labor market is a buyers (applicants) dream.  Potential employees can dictate their salary, schedule and benefits, wages today are far exceeding pay from even two years ago.

So when, in this case, a candidate walked into our office and we knew that we MUST give them a stellar applicant experience.

We knew we had to:

  • Make it easy for candidates to apply to jobs
  • Follow-up early and often
  • Communicate with candidates during each step of the hiring process
  • Give candidates information about what to expect at in-person interviews
  • Tell candidates if they are no longer consideration as soon as possible
  • Keep certain candidates in mind for future openings and keep track of them
  • Be open to giving (and receiving) feedback

Above all, we know we need to thank them often and repeatedly.

Stellar customer service should apply for clients and applicants in equal measure, we know we can’t have one without the other.