14 Apr Sabotaging Your Career
One of the most important lessons to learn in life is that you are the only one responsible for your own success.
Forbes recently posted an article discussing the most common ways people sabotage their own success. The behaviors that negatively impact success fell into four key categories – relationship with ourselves, others, the world and our higher selves.
Here are excerpts from the article:
Most people don’t realize when they are destroying their chances for success and happiness. One key way that people sabotage themselves is by not identifying the ‘right’ decisions that will move them forward. A person can make many life-altering decisions every day.
If your decisions don’t align what who you are authentically or what you deeply value and care about, you’ll squash your opportunities for true success, no matter how ‘good’ the decision looks in the moment. Remember that everything you do is a choice. Choose to align each decision in front of you with your core values, needs and wants.
Here’s another thing we’re not taught as we develop and grow – career management. Your career won’t just flow in the right direction on its own – you must proactively shape it. You must plant seeds for a future you will enjoy.
In order to be successful in your career, you must learn to communicate effectively, with clarity, confidence, and compassion, from a place of kindness and respect for others. So many people burn critical bridges and slam doors on fabulous new opportunities because they don’t know the basics about communicating. You simply can’t maintain success over the long haul if you behave like a jerk, snob or narcissist, acting superior and remaining oblivious to the needs and desires of others. Success may come temporarily, but it will flow right through your fingers if your communication style irritates and offends people everywhere you go. This does not mean accepting abusive behavior from others. It is important to respect yourself and set boundaries. These boundaries allow you to deal with abusive behavior in a professional manner.
So many professionals act like mavericks – running roughshod over people and failing to understand this key principle of success – you cannot do what you want in your career, and in the world, if you’re alone. You need supporters, ambassadors and evangelists who love to spread the word about your work, and who’ll connect you with people who can bolster you up to the next level. Sure, you can create a modicum of success by yourself, but you’ll sabotage any long-term success if fail to recognize your need for other people, and if you neglect to build a support community – your empowering tribe.
In summary, 1) you are responsible for your choices and actions 2) have a solid understanding of who you are, 3) make choices and take action in alignment with your core values and what matters to you, 4) practice effective two-way communication, kindness and respect, and 5) use these practices to build your community of supporters. That person you pass on the street could become your next supporter!