The Post-Interview Thank You Note – A Gift for You!

At Integrated Staffing, any time we interview a job candidate, we wait to see whether candidates will write a thank you note or not.  The post-interview thank you note is something every candidate MUST do.  You would be surprised how often they do not – and that’s right about when we decide not to hire them.

Sending a thank-you note after the interview can really set you apart from other candidates.  After an interview, whether it is over the phone, through video chat, or in person, you should always send a thank-you letter or email to your interviewer.  By drafting and sending a thoughtful thank you note, you are signaling your continued interest and solidifies a positive impression with the interviewer.  And you know what else?  It is just plain good manners: it’s always polite to pass along appreciation when someone takes time from their day for a conversation.

In addition to showing good manners, thank-you note is an opportunity to distinguish yourself as a candidate, stand out from the crowd of jobs, and gain an edge in the hiring process.

We have had hiring managers tell us to wait to schedule the second interview until we have received a post-interview follow-up email, and we have skipped hiring candidates at Integrated Staffing because we did not receive a thank you (it’s one of the reasons why you don’t get the job offer).  Yes, saying thank you is that important.


Avoid only going through the motions, because employers will see right through a generic note.  A well-written, thoughtful thank-you letter reminds the interviewer of your candidacy and is a callback to your conversation. Tailor your message to the specific interviewer and company using a flexible format like so:

The 5-Part Thank You Template

      • How much you appreciated the meeting (the “thank you” part)
      • Something specific about the interview or items discussed
      • Why you are excited about the opportunity
      • A brief explanation of why you would be a good fit for the job
      • Next steps and your contact information

Fix any missteps: Your thank-you note is the perfect opportunity to clean up any mistakes you made in the conversation, rephrase anything you put poorly during the interview, and add vital information you neglected to mention.

Reinforce your candidacy: As well as seeking to make a connection with the interviewer, so that you are a memorable candidate, it is also important to clear about your you’re a great candidate. What makes you a strong choice for the position?  Now that you have spoken with someone at the company, you’re likely more aware of what’s involved in the position than you were when you initially applied for the spot.

Open the door for future communications: In your note, mention your interest in the position. If this is your dream job, say so! Show off your enthusiasm for the position and company and create an opportunity for the interviewer to ask follow-up questions, request references, and generally be in touch.


Send it immediately, ASAP!  In fact, as soon as you get home, write it up.  Make sure to send the note (via email) within 24 hours-and be sure to send one to everyone you interviewed with, not just the hiring manager.  Even if you interview on a Friday afternoon-maybe, especially, if you interview on a Friday afternoon, make sure to send that thank-you email before starting your weekend activities.

This really shows the hiring manager that you appreciate the time taken, the thoughtfully prepared interview questions, and the job at hand.


Still not sure what to write?  Here is an example of a short and sweet post-interview thank you note (the keyword is being short-when it comes to interview follow-up emails, less is usually more):


We get this question often, so we wanted to cover it here as well: when you are asked in for a follow-up interview, you should send another thank you note via email (again, within 24 hours). Send to everyone who is involved.  Really, the process does not vary too much from the first interview thank you note, except that you’ll want to make it shorter.  One trick we love is to expand on a topic you covered with your interviewer in your second meeting.

Simply enough, right?  If you do not hear back right away, that’s OK- wait about 5-7 days before following up (you can reply to your original thank you note) and expressing interest one more time.

If they do not reply to several emails or by the date they promised, you might also consider this to be a bit of a red flag.  Communication and respect are important from the start.  Always keep that in mind.