National Grammar Day!!!

On March 4, we let our inner nerd out for National Grammar Day! The day was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, the founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar. The day’s motto is: “It’s not only a date, it’s an imperative: March forth on March 4 to speak well, write well, and help others do the same!”

We take that imperative seriously, so this National Grammar Day, we are celebrating the idiosyncrasies of the English language by studying up on common grammar mistakes, proofreading our correspondence, and thanking our proofreaders!!!



  1. Grammar is useful

    Grammar helps us be totally clear when sharing our thoughts. It’s the difference between inviting your mom to eat (“let’s eat, mom!”) and eating your mom (“let’s eat mom!”). It’s the difference between enjoying cooking and also enjoying your pets (“I enjoy cooking, my cat, and my dog”) and cooking your pets (“I enjoy cooking my cat and my dog”).

  2. Grammar is satisfying

    Proofreading feels great. Finding a typo, misspelled word, or misused there, their, or they’re is incredibly satisfying. One might even call it day-making! Whether you’re reading over your own work, taking a red pen to a friend’s cover letter, or searching for an errant comma in The New York Times, knowing the rules of grammar and using them in everyday life scratches an itch that makes us feel great.

  3. Grammar makes us nostalgic

    So many grammar rules are permanently embedded in our brains because we learned them as children! It’s fun to go over grammar rules and be reminded of the mnemonics, songs, and cartoons that originally taught us the rules as kids. From Schoolhouse Rock to Sesame Street, grammar gives us a lot of great memories

    Happy National Grammar Day!!! How will you celebrate?