Help Writing Your Resume

Looking for help writing your resume? provides 6 rules for writing a resume that can help you get started on writing your resume.

  1. Cover the basics
    1. Ensure to include your contact information so whoever you submit your resume knows how to get in contact with you
    2. Include relevant work and volunteer experience
    3. Relevant education, including licenses and certifications
    4. Relevant skills
  2. Use other resumes for guidance
    1. Seeing how other people format and write their resume can help give you an idea of how you can start creating yours
  3. Use as few words as possible
    1. Potential employers may be reviewing hundreds of resumes at a time. Be a short and concise as possible to explain your skills and past experiences
  4. Try to quantify your previous accomplishments
    1. By giving exact numbers on your previous experiences, it helps the potential employer to envision you in their workplace. It helps to give you credibility.
  5. Use key words that are used in the job description
    1. According to Indeed, “When they see their own keywords mirrored back to them in your resume, it reinforces the idea that you’re a strong candidate for the role”.
  6. Pro read your resume multiple times
    1. Re-read your resume to ensure you don’t have any typos. Have someone else read it to see if they can catch anything. Having a typo in your resume can quickly remove your resume from getting an interview. Small details matter.

Check out the full article here


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