Common Interview Mistakes


Making a simple mistake could mean the difference between you getting the job or not. Below are some on the most common interview mistakes job seekers make while searching for a job.

  1. Being inappropriately dressed
    1. Dress to impress. No matter what position you are applying for, it is important to look professional for your interview. Arriving Late to an Interview
  2. Arriving Late to an Interview
    1. Make a good first impression by arriving on time, or even early, to an interview. Potential employers want to ensure that you are always on time. Plan for any travel delays that may happen and know where you are going prior to the interview. A good rule of thumb is to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early to an interview.
  3. Bringing a Drink with you
    1. Although it may seem like a small thing, having a drink with you could be distracting. You may miss a question that they are asking because you are paying attention to what you are drinking or even worse, you could spill the drink.
  4. Using your Phone
    1. Using your phone during an interview is rude and can be disruptive. Ensure prior to going into the interview that you either leave your phone in the car or silence it. Nothing is worse that your phone going off during an interview.
  5. Lack of Knowledge of the Company
    1. Do some research on the company prior to your interview. Know a little bit about the company. They may ask you “So what do you know about our company?” It’s a simple, easy question for you to answer that shows that you are interested in the company.
  6. Unclear Resume
    1. Make sure that your resume has clear facts in it. Don’t make up things just to make yourself look better during an interview.
  7. Not Paying Attention
    1. Don’t zone out during an interview. It is important that you are paying close attention during your interview. Make sure that you are well rested and prepared for your interview.
  8. Talking Too Much
    1. You don’t need to tell the potential employer the whole story about your past. They really just want the most important details. Keep your answers focused to what they are asking. Do not ramble on with your response
  9. Not Being Prepared
    1. Plan ahead. Thank about what questions that they may ask you during an interview. Practice what responses you might say to the questions. Don’t get caught off guard when they ask a question that you weren’t prepared for.
  10. Talking Bad about Past Employers
    1. This is a big no no. If you talk bad about a past employer, what are you going to say their company if hired. They also what to know if you can work well with others and resolve conflicts maturely.


Check out the full article here from The Balance Careers :