13 Nov Celebrate #WorldKindnessDay
Celebrate #WorldKindnessDay with Integrated Staffing. On November 13th, as part of #WorldKindnessDay, we are encouraged to speak kindness like an infectious laugh. We want to share it more than usual because studies show when others observe kindness action, they are more like to carry out an act of kindness, too. We probably never needed #WorldKindnessDay, more that we do in 2020. It’s been tough on multiple levels, from the inconvenience caused by coronavirus social distancing to real economic hurt.
So why is this important to celebrate today? Not only do our kindness actions help those receiving it, but it also helps our own well-being.
“Selfless acts of kindness don’t just help the person on the receiving end,” said psychologist Lisa Damour, author of “Untangled” and “Under Pressure” and co-host of the “Ask Lisa” podcast, via email.
“Research finds that altruistic behavior activates the very same regions in the brain that are enlivened by rewards or pleasurable experiences. “Remarkably, helping others also causes the brain to release hormones and protein-like molecules, known as neuropeptides, that lower stress and anxiety levels. Here’s the bottom line: doing good is good for you.”
At Integrated Staffing, we see people risking their lives every day. They care for sick people. Some stock our grocery stores. Many teach our children. Others staff our polling places. Librarians are checking out books. That’s the living embodiment of kindness. We each have the potential to improve each other’s lives through understanding and kindness. Whether it is a friend, family member, stranger, our ability to show our humanity should have no limits.
So how can you observe #WorldKindnessDay?
How To Observe #WorldKindnessDay
On #WorldKindnessDay, let your compassion shine brightly. Get caught showing as much kindness as possible. Use #WorldKindessDay to share on social media. Here are some thoughts and ideas on ways to be kind:
Be kind to yourself
- What is one simple thing you can do that fills you up? Find a quiet corner to read a book. Listen to your favorite podcast.
- Start an exercise or healthy eating program.
- Go to sleep earlier to help prevent illnesses and refresh your brain cells.
Make kindness a family value
- Plan a family game night to spend quality time together without using any technology tools. Put the cell phones away for the night.
- Take a hike together this weekend and enjoy the outdoors before the weather changes.
- Do something nice that makes your spouse happy.
- Do something nice that makes your kids happy.
- Host a family dance night this weekend and boogie your worries away.
- Call your parents and tell them how much you love them. Tell them how you appreciate their hard work raising you.
- Make an old, but goody family recipe and drop off to your neighbor to enjoy.
Kindness in the community
- Communicate your gratitude with handwritten letters that shows care, intention, and the reasons why someone loves and appreciates you. Think of the colleagues, friends, and family members you cherish and why. The simple things often mean the most.
- Go to the supermarket and grocery shop for someone who needs it, such as an elderly neighbor who struggles getting out of the home.
- Donate food banks that are seeing more people in need or a friend who is quarantined and can’t leave the home.
- Support local restaurants this weekend by ordering takeout meals.
Kindness overall
- Social distance…it’s OK to sometimes see people if you stay apart (6 ft at least). Lawn chairs spread around a firepit is a great idea.
- Dress for the season and play outside. Bundle up as we are heading into the winter season. It is good to get outside for our physical, mental, and emotional health.
- Wear a mask. It can be annoying and uncomfortable, but it signals to the world that you don’t want to get other people sick or possibly cause a traumatic outcome for them, and new research shows it protects you, too.
How Integrated Staffing Observes #WorldKindnessDay
We are supporting Feeding America, the largest hunger-relief organization in the country, which estimates food insecurity could swell to 50 million Americans before 2020 is over.
- Feeding America serves 2,000-member food banks that serve and supply 60,000 food pantries, kitchens, and meal programs in the area and elsewhere around the country.
- Food insecurity isn’t a new problem in the greater Capital Region before the pandemic threw millions of Americans into unemployment, 8.2 percent of residents were considered food insecure.
- The continuing economic fallout from the health pandemic has swollen that number to 12.6 percent who are on the brink of hunger.
You can help through food drives or by adopting a local family. But to spread your donation further, consider making a tax-deductible donation to Feeding America. With its power to buy groceries in bulk, Feeding America can provide 10 meals for every $1 donated.
Share Your #WorldKindnessDay Acts
Tell us how you plan to shine bright with your acts of kindness – whether it is practicing it on your family, the community, neighbors, friends, co-workers, or yourself. We would love to hear from you.