Why Candidates Fail to Get the Job


Simple things may mean the difference betweeen you getting the job and not getting the job. You may think that your interview went great but then you never hear back from the company. Here are some reasons why candidates fail to get the job. 

  • Resumes. A candidate may exagerate their skills and experience on their resume and/or job application. This may make the candidate look like they have more experience than they actually do. When it comes to the interview, the interviewer can tell when you don’t have the skills that your resume says you do. Best advice on how to avoid this is to always tell the truth and provide a true picture of what skills you really have.
  • Confidence. When a candidate doesn’t express confidence or enthusiasm, the interviewer is not going to want to hire them. Ensure that you are confident in your abilities and past experiences. Do some research on the position to show that you are interested in the position.
  • Company. If a candidate comes across to an interview that they are more interested in what the company can do for them, rather than what they can do for the company, it can easily disinterest the interviewer. The company wants to know how you can add to the company and how you can help it grow.
  • Rapport. If a candidate fails to communicate successfully and doesn’t establish rapport with the interviewer, they are most likely not going to get the job. Simple things like not interupting the interviewer when they are talking and not answering a question can be the difference between getting the job and not getting it.
  • Preparation. Prior to an interview, a candidate should research the company and ensure that they are prepared for the interview. Knowing a little background on what a company does and a little history can help prepare you for the interview. You should also ensure that your resume is printed and ready to go for the interview the night before.


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