12 Powerful Words to Use in An Interview

Indeed.com provides many articles for job seekers to help improve their job search process. They published the below article called “12 Powerful Words to Use in An Interview”.  Check out the article to see how words you use during an interview can make an impact on getting the job or not.

The prospect of a formal job interview may make you feel nervous, but with some advance preparation, you can confidently communicate your value as a job candidate. One way to prepare for an interview is to make a list of descriptive and familiar vocabulary words from your field of employment, so you can elaborate on those concepts with personal details that help explain your qualifications, skills and unique personality traits. Framing your discussion around positive and aspirational words can help you portray confidence and poise during any interview. In this article, we explain 12 powerful words to use in a job interview.

Using interview keywords

Presenting the best answers about yourself and your job experience and skills is only part of the process of preparing for an interview. It is also important to know about the company. You can start by reading its official communication, such as the company website, social media or press releases. Research the company’s history and core values, how it fits in the industry and any charity or outreach work. Know the specifics of the job description so you can easily cite keywords and explain how your experience and skills fit the job.

12 powerful words to use in an interview

Certain keywords can help you present yourself in a positive light to a prospective employer. They can guide and frame a conversation around vocabulary that is familiar to a job candidate and an interviewer. The best keywords are positive, hopeful and provide a way to describe your education, skills and experience. Consider using these powerful words and phrases in an interview:

1. I can, I will

Phrases like “I can contribute…” and “I will offer my strengths in this way…” show that you are positive and confident in the gifts and talents you bring to a company. The word “will” implies conviction and ability. It shows you have thought about the subject and come with intention about your talents and contributions.

Example interview question: Why are you a good fit for this job?

Example answer: “I am a good fit for this job because I can produce results. In my last job, I sold the highest number of customer maintenance plans for three quarters in a row.”

2. I look forward to

As soon as you have been granted an interview, you can respond with something like, “I look forward to the chance to discuss what I can bring to your company.” It is positive and hopeful language that shows you have confidence in your abilities. Then, during your interview, you can use it to explain aspects of the job you would enjoy or explain your working style.

Example interview question: How do you respond to new project assignments?

Example answer: “I look forward to the first project planning meeting with a new team. Listening to everyone’s input and ideas helps everyone get to know each other and figure out what roles we will take on.”

3. Respect

After you have become familiar with the company, you can describe to the interviewer specific aspects about the company’s products, practices, diversity or projects that you respect. Expressing your respect shows you have researched the business and helps you talk about specifics which can lead to a deeper conversation about those topics. You may also describe mentors or leaders and the qualities about them you respect and try to emulate.

Example interview question: What have you learned from your mentor?

Example answer: “One of the traits I most respect is her ability to show empathy to everyone she meets. I think it helps people trust her quickly. She can mediate conflict, and people are willing to try her suggestions.”

4. Opportunity

“Opportunity” is a word that both describes chances you have been given in the past to develop your skills and shows possibility and gratitude. It is frequently associated with a job offer in an interview setting. You can talk about past opportunities and how you are excited about the prospects of future opportunities.

Example interview question: What are you looking for in a new position?

Example answer: “I see this job as an opportunity to increase my exposure to clients. I have been working in the back office at my previous job, and I look forward to improving my customer service skills.”

5. Experience

Though your resume should speak to your job experience, it is often a shortened summary of the many tasks you have accomplished during your career. When possible, it is good to describe your duties, projects or deliverables in terms of your job experience during an interview, and you can emphasize the length of time to help someone understand the nuances of your previous work. Saying “experience” can make you sound knowledgeable and qualified.

Example interview question: How have your previous jobs prepared you for this one?

Example answer: “I have 10 years of experience in sales and marketing, most of it with one company. I worked for many different clients during that time and learned how to adapt my work to the needs of each one.”

6. Skills

Similarly to describing your experience, pointing out some of your relevant skills can help an interviewer know you better. Instead of listing many skills, choose one or a few that help recommend you for the position. For example, instead of saying you have computer skills, you could explain how you are skilled in certain software programs that you might use for the job.

Example interview question: Can you describe some of your soft skills?

Example answer: “I think the most valuable skill I have is time-management. I am diligent in using a calendar and each day I use a journal to record my accomplishments and what I need to complete the next day. It helps me stay organized and on track for deadlines.”

7. Goals

It can be helpful to show how the prospective job helps you meet your professional goals. Describe your goals and how the job can give you skills or experience. For example, if you have been working at an entry-level job in the hospitality industry and you are seeking a management position, talk about how your experience has helped you formulate your goal and why you believe the prospective position helps you achieve that goal.

Example interview question: Can you explain why you changed careers?

Example answer: “As soon as I settled on a design major in college, I set a goal that I wanted to design logos for clients and help them develop their brand strategy. I have been working at our family business to help my dad, but I never forgot my goal. This job will help me get closer to that goal.”

8. Flexible

If you can demonstrate that you can work with various people in many different environments and adapt to changes in projects, deadlines and scope, you will show how you can be a flexible and positive addition to a team. You could explain how you adapted to a change in circumstances in the past and what being flexible has taught you about yourself.

Example interview question: Tell me about a challenge or conflict you’ve faced at work, and how you dealt with it.

Example answer: “In my last big project for my previous employer, the client needed to make frequent changes to the scope, which affected many of our task deadlines. As the project manager, it fell to me to help my team learn to be flexible and avoid frustration. We held frequent meetings, I gave people a voice to express their concerns and we all found ways to adapt and complete that project to our client’s satisfaction.”

9. Mission statement

Once you have read the company’s mission statement, you can mention parts of it that resonated with your personal working philosophy. Describe any detail from it that you find inspirational or that would help you set goals. Be sure you are sincere and incorporate this discussion naturally. You can ask questions about the evolution of the mission statement to show you care about understanding the company’s core values.

Example interview question: Do you have any questions about the company?

Example answer: “When reading your mission statement, I noted the phrasing about serving individuals through education. That’s the part of your company that inspires me most, and I am eager to learn more about how you achieve that goal.”

10. Reliable

Most companies value employees who arrive on time, use company time efficiently to produce quality work and meet deadlines. Demonstrate your reliability with concrete examples from previous jobs or volunteer opportunities. You may describe the scope of your assigned responsibilities on a project or a time when teamwork helped you produce something you are proud of. You could also describe accountability practices at a previous job and how you met them consistently.

Example interview question: How would your previous manager describe your work ethic?

Example answer: “I earned my last promotion because my employer knew I was reliable, and trusted me to get the projects turned in on time. One task in particular—completing a graphic design project—I am very proud of because I showed the client my dependability in meeting the deadline and completing the job in line with their creative specifications.”

11. Leader

Even if you are not interviewing for a management position, leadership in any role is valuable. Describe a time when you were given a leadership position or experiences that helped you develop leadership qualities. Think about what being a leader means to you, and then elaborate on your statement.

Example interview question: Can you describe your leadership experience?

Example answer: “I was a leader for a team project. The three other team members reported their progress to me weekly, and I appreciated the way it taught me to see the broader scope of the project rather than just my individual assignment.”

12. Example

This word helps you change a general statement to a specific statement. Rather than saying “I was responsible for team building,” you could add something like “May I share an example of how a team-building exercise increased our office unity?” Then you can briefly explain the activity and some results you observed. Stories and examples can help an interviewer get to know you better, and will highlight your qualities or abilities when they focus on a few relevant details.

Example interview question: What is one of your greatest recent accomplishments?

Example answer: “If I may, I would like to share an example of how my team won the national sales award you see mentioned on my resume. In this instance, we each recognized our unique strengths and ended up collaborating well together, resulting in a top sales award.”

Check out the full Indeed.com article here: https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/powerful-words-to-use-in-an-interview