Clark Kent Quits the Newspaper Industry

Clark Kent/Superman resigned from his decades long position at the Daily Planet!

In the comic book series’ latest issue, which went on sale Wednesday, an outraged Clark Kent quits his job at The Daily Planet after his boss berates him.

“I was taught to believe you could use words to change the course of rivers — that even the darkest secrets would fall under the harsh light of the sun,” the superhero’s alter ego says in a newsroom outburst. “But facts have been replaced by opinions. Information has been replaced by entertainment. Reporters have become stenographers. I can’t be the only one who’s sick of what passes for the news today.”

In the staffing Industry, we understand what it’s like to have boss berate you, staff resign unexpectadly with no notice and a myriad of everyday issues that make employment rough.

But to have the strongest man in the world resign with out notice because of his boss?  And in this economy????? The people behind Superman must not understand the current economic situation.  Where is his 2 week notice and how did he prepare for resignation?  As he seen a job coach, updated his resume, checked Monster for other journalism positions?  I highly doubt these questions will be answered in upcoming comics but Clark Kent like all unemployed must prepare for the future.

It looks like a berating boss was Clark Kent’s kryptonite, what is yours? How will you prepare for the uncertainty that surrounds unemployment?  At least Clark Kent can fall back on his ability to be faster than a speeding bullet, what strengths can you fall back on?